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Features You’ll Want for Your Egress Windows Killingworth, CT

Features You’ll Want for Your Egress Windows Killingworth, CT

Are you in the market for egress windows? Whether you’re replacing old windows or buying new windows for your newly finished basement, you’ll want to ensure that you get the best value for money. If you’ve never had to buy an egress window, you’re probably wondering what to look for.

It is important to ensure that the egress windows you choose meet building code requirements. It’s also important to choose windows that meet your personal requirements. The tips below are some features you should consider for your windows during the installation. egress-windows-killingsworth-ct-budget-dry-waterproofing-1

  1. Corners that are cored and ground

This is important as it affects your foundation’s structure when installing a new window. Before the installation can be done, an opening must be cut into the foundation wall to accommodate the window. Many installers rely on concrete saws to cut the opening. They are therefore often limited by the round blade. They have to overcut in order to create the opening. This increases the chances of cracks forming after the window is installed.

A better way to create an opening is by having the wall cored at the corners where the opening will be first. The opening is then cut. The 90-degree angle is achieved by applying a grinder to the corners. This method reduces the risk of developing cracks.

  1. Metal liners for your window wells

Your window wells are a vital part of your egress windows. They protect your windows. However, the level of protection they offer depends on the material used for their construction. Metal liners are a worthwhile investment for your window wells. They are not only attractive but also protect the windows from moisture in the soils around the foundation. Metal liners are also quite strong. They can withstand the constant pressure from the expanding soils around them.egress-windows-killingsworth-ct-budget-dry-waterproofing-2

  1. Drainage for your window well

Many homeowners forget about this very important feature. Egress windows aren’t designed to sustain pressure. When the weather is bad, the window well may become flooded with water. This could in turn damage your window. It is wise to invest in drainage for your window well. This is installed at the base of the window. It will drain water that enters the window well and help you avoid the risk of water seepage or window damage.

Are you in the market for an egress window? Consider the features above and ensure they are included in your installation.

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