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The Benefts of a Brand New Basement Window Installation

Looking for a Home Improvement Idea? Try a Basement Window Installation!

Every homeowner is constantly looking for ideas to make their living space comfier and more functional. From home décor, outdoor improvement to new roofing techniques, there is no dearth of innovative ideas to make your home look great.

However, there is one fixture that doesn’t commonly feature in home improvements- the basement window. In older homes, basement windows are ugly, rotting wood grade-level installations that are an eyesore. Most homeowners extend interior basement neglect to the outdoor space.

If you have been looking for a way to improve the appearance of your home, it is time to plan for a new basement window installation.

On the surface, it might seem like an unnecessary expense but you will be surprised by the impact it will have both on aesthetics and home maintenance costs.

Below are some of the other reasons you should replace your ageing basement window:

  1. A touch of elegance: Most of the contemporary basement window designs are manufactured with functionality and aesthetics in mind. As such, you can spice the appearance of your home by removing the old window and adding a new window.
  2. Functionality: Modern replacement windows are made of glass and they come with a beautiful steel frame. Your window will easily bring in much needed natural light into the basement, which is a great advantage when the room is used as a living space.
  3. Energy savings: Old leaky basement windows lead to air infiltration into the basement. This moist air will lead to more strain on the dehumidifier and in most cases, it ends up in the higher levels of the house. Installing a new well insulated window reduces your cooling and heating bill.
  4. Lower maintenance cost: Unlike old wooden windows, a new insulated glass window requires minimal maintenance. You will not have to worry about repainting and staining. These windows are also weather resistant, which saves you a lot of money in replacement. It is also easier to clean a new glass window and keep it in the best shape.

It is important to rely on a professional contractor for basement window installation. These professionals understand all building codes and they have the equipment necessary for the job. More importantly, they know the best manufacturers of basement windows in the market.

A good contractor should give a free no-obligation quote for the type of window you have in mind. When hiring the contractor, ensure you seek referrals from other homeowners and a look at the type of installations they have done in the neighborhood.