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The Best Way To Ventilate Your Basement And Improve Indoor Air Quality Stamford, CT

The Best Way To Ventilate Your Basement And Improve Indoor Air Quality Stamford, CT

Do you ventilate your basement? The conditions in your basement play a major role in determining the indoor air quality of the upper levels of your home. Poor air quality in your basement will mean poor air quality in the rest of your home.

Why you should ventilate your basement

The best way to improve indoor air quality in your basement is by ventilating your basement. Ventilation allows for the circulation of air in the basement. A poorly ventilated basement is prone to moisture problems. This is because basements are structures located below grade. They are vulnerable to moisture penetration. Poor ventilation will result in high humidity levels within the basement which in turn will result in a mold or mildew infestation. Mold spores can cause respiratory issues, allergic reactions, sinus problems, and much more.indoor-air-quality-stamford-ct-budget-dry-waterproofing-1

High humidity provides the perfect environment for pests such as rodents and insects such as termites and cockroaches to thrive. You may find yourself having to deal with a pest or insect infestation. Increased humidity can also lead to structural problems as a result of rot or termite infestations.

The best way to ventilate your basement

Ventilating a basement isn’t as simple as throwing a window open. While natural ventilation is adequate during summer, it isn’t feasible in the winter or during wet seasons. It is also important to note that if you live in a humid area, the air that you let into your basement will be humid. This could mean even more problems for your basement.indoor-air-quality-stamford-ct-budget-dry-waterproofing-2

One way to deal with the humidity is to invest in a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier will take the excess moisture out of the air. This will keep your basement dry even when you leave your windows open on a hot and humid summer day. The only challenge with this is that it still doesn’t solve the problem of ventilating on days when the weather is bad.

A whole-home ventilation system offers a great solution for ventilating your basement all year round. These systems draw in fresh oxygen-rich air from the outside. Excess moisture is removed and the air is heated or cooled depending on the time of year. They also exhaust stale air from the inside of the home to the outside. These systems will allow you to ventilate your basement year-round without putting it at risk of developing a moisture problem.

Contact the Professionals at Budget Dry Waterproofing Today! 203-421-8560