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3 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Crawlspace Door Hartford, CT

3 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Crawlspace Door Hartford, CT

Crawlspace doors are vital, not just for making your crawlspace more functional but also for crawlspace waterproofing. Your crawlspace door will give you access to the items you store in the crawlspace as well as utilities that run in the space. It will also keep the elements out of the crawlspace and help to maintain a clean and stable crawlspace environment. Crawlspace Waterproofing | Hartford, CT | Budget Dry Waterproofing

However, like with anything else in your home, your crawlspace door won’t last forever. The state of your crawlspace door will play a major role in the condition of your crawlspace. This is because the door is an important part of your crawlspace waterproofing system. The following are some signs that it’s time to replace your crawlspace door.

  1. It doesn’t fit like it used to

Open seams in a crawlspace will let air into and out of the crawlspace. This will negate all your crawlspace encapsulation benefits. Cold air will make its way into your home during the winter and warm air will leak in during the summer. This will make your cooling and heating systems work harder to provide a comfortable space. If your door doesn’t fit properly, it will let air in and out of the crawlspace. This also includes humid air that can result in moisture problems in the crawlspace.

  1. It does not lock

It isn’t just important to ensure your door fits properly but also that it can lock. This will protect your home from unwanted guests such as raccoons and other little critters.

There are instances where you can simply repair the lock of the door and others where replacing the whole door is required.

  1. It shows signs of rotting

Signs of rotting in a crawlspace door can be concerning. It could be a sign of a water problem that needs to be addressed. The rotting could also simply be the result of having installed a poor quality door in the first place. Crawlspace Waterproofing | Hartford, CT | Budget Dry Waterproofing

Whatever the case may be, it is important to get in touch with a waterproofing contractor to have your crawlspace assessed. Your contractor will identify any water seepage issues that need to be addressed and provide you with solutions.

If you observe any of the signs outlined above, you should begin to make plans to have your crawlspace door replaced. You will otherwise compromise your investment in crawlspace waterproofing.

Contact the Professionals at Budget Dry Waterproofing Today! 203-421-8560